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Evelyn Roque is the oldest daughter of Ian and Genevieve Roque, and has a one-year-old sister, Celeste. Her mother is from France, and moved to California in her early twenties.

Evie has always been kind of a strange one; Her unique sense of style and love for geeky things has always separated her from her peers. The one thing she has always liked that kept her in the popular clique is her love of sports and school spirit. When Evie was in middle school she was in gymnastics, and because she was so good at it, was recruited into JV cheerleading when she was a freshman in high school, making her the youngest member in the cheerleading squad. She gets along with Corky and Missy pretty well, although neither of them understand her love of Dungeons & Dragons and video games.

But Evie's geekiness is what brought her and her boyfriend Chris together. Chris was worried that because he was younger, Evie wouldn't be interested in him. But it turned out that Chris was exactly what Evie wanted in a boyfriend... except Evie expects more out of him than Chris can handle.

Currently, Evie spends most of her time in cheerleading practice, so she hasn't given much thought into what she's going to do in the future.

Full name: Evelyn Roque
Birthday: September 20, 1973
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: One green, one blue
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Cup size: 32A

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