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Kyle The oldest of the four friends, Kyle Tyler Timmons was born on February 5, 1972. His relentless love for the opposite sex has gotten him into trouble more times than anyone can imagine. But since he started dating Jenny, she has been able to keep him in line for the most part.

He may be the oldest of his friends, but in his family he's the second youngest of his five siblings. He spent much of his childhood being picked on by Connor, Ryan and Erin.

Kyle's far from stupid, but he spends most of his class time leafing through issues of girly magazines. He also excels in math classes. Aside from porn, he also enjoys skateboarding, and the size of his ego can only be matched by the size of his manhood.

Kyle's basically the glue between Jason and Alicia's friendship. Not that they need help being friends, but neither of them can work up the courage to tell one another their feelings. This is where Kyle comes in, since he can't seem to shut up about it. But since he finally lost his virginity to Jenny, he's let up on the issue a bit.

Kyle has decided that he's not going to make any plans for the future until he turns eighteen. He figures once he's legally able to buy porn, he'll be bored of it.

Yeah, right.
Full name: Kyle Tyler Timmons
Birthday: February 5, 1972
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145 lbs.

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